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Case 6811
33-year-old mother of three who is a fitness enthusiast and takes great care of herself. She didn’t like the asymmetry and sagging of her breasts after her pregnancies. I performed a vertical “lollipop” incision breast lift and placed 305 cc Sientra Gummy Bear implants above the muscle. Her results one month after surgery.
Case 6813
40-year-old athletic nurse and mother of three. Felt that her breasts had “emptied out”. I did a breast lift with augmentation with only a vertical scar. Sientra Silicone gel shaped gummy bear implants placed above the muscle 4 year follow up and still holding up.
Case 6817
39-year-old working mother of three. She did not like the deflated, sagging look of her breasts after breastfeeding. She had a lollipop incision breast lift with a small implant (Sientra 385 cc) placed behind her breast. She is very happy with her shape, fullness and the fact that she has no scar under her breasts.