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Breast Augmentation

Case 6762

26 year old young medical assistant who has always been unhappy with the small size of her breasts. She had 400cc Allergan Smooth Inspira silicone gel implants inserted above the muscle. 6 month follow up. She is very happy

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Case 6763

45 year old very athletic woman who has been self-conscious about the small size of her breasts since high school. Textured 350cc Sientra Gummy Bear implants placed below the muscle. She is ecstatic about her new look. Six month follow up.

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Case 6764

55 year old very active woman Breast Augmentation with Sientra Silicone gel textured Gummy Bear implants Below the muscle 7 month post-op

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Case 6765

45 year old very active working mother of two. She felt very physically fit but didn’t like how much her breasts had fallen and sagged since her pregnancies. Textured 435cc Gummy Bear implants placed above the muscle. Six month follow up and she is very happy.

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Case 6766

33 year old with saline implants that have “bottomed-out” and have become deformed. Corrected with with Silicone Gel – “Gummy Bears” and reconstruction of the implant pockets

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Case 6767

34 year old athlete and mother of two. Always self-conscious about her breasts but wanted to look very natural as well as allow her to continue to participate in sports actively. Textured 325 cc Gummy Bear implants placed under the muscle. One year follow up.

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Case 6768

40 year young mother had 525 cc Sientra Smooth Gummy Bear implants inserted above the muscle. 5 month follow up

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Case 6769

27 year young business woman. 505 cc Sientra Textured Gummy Bear implants inserted below the muscle. 6 month follow up

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Case 6770

54 year young working mother. 350 cc Sientra Smooth Gummy Bear implants inserted above the muscle. 8 month follow up

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