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Case 6821
39-year-old working mother of three. She did not like the deflated, sagging look of her breasts after breastfeeding. She had a lollipop incision breast lift with a small implant (Sientra 385 cc) placed behind her breast. She is very happy with her shape, fullness and the fact that she has no scar under her breasts.
Case 6822
23-year-old with deflated breasts and asymmetry. She didn’t want an implant but only to be higher, tighter, and equal. Had a breast lift with single scar. No “anchor” incision. No implants
Case 6823
36-year-old working mother of two. Did not like that her breasts had become droopy and deflated since her pregnancies. She wanted a lift without implants. She had a breast lift (mastopexy) with only a vertical scar and is very happy being “high and tight.”
Case 6824
33-year-old mother of three who is a fitness enthusiast and takes great care of herself. She didn’t like the asymmetry and sagging of her breasts after her pregnancies. I performed a vertical “lollipop” incision breast lift and placed 305 cc Sientra Gummy Bear implants above the muscle. Her results one month after surgery.
Case 6825
40-year-old athletic nurse and mother of three. Felt that her breasts had “emptied out”. I did a breast lift with augmentation with only a vertical scar. Sientra Silicone gel shaped gummy bear implants placed above the muscle 4 year follow up and still holding up.
Case 6803
18-year-old who with very heavy breasts that interfered with her ability to play sports and caused her neck and shoulder pain. I reduced and lifted both breasts and gave her a nicer shape. No “anchor” scar, just a small “lollipop” incision. One month after surgery
Case 6804
18-year-old who had very heavy breasts that interfered with her ability to play sports and caused her neck and shoulder pain. I reduced and lifted both breasts and gave her a nicer shape. “Lollipop” vertical incision only. No “anchor” scar under her breasts. 2 years after surgery
Case 6805
47-year-old mother of two. Did not like the droopiness of her breasts. Wanted to be smaller, higher, and tighter. She had a reduction with a lift and an “internal bra” mesh. Photos three months after surgery.
Case 6806
22-year-old very active young woman. She was very concerned that her breasts have fallen and that they are not equal in size. She didn’t want to be much smaller but wanted a lift. She was done with a small “lollipop” incision and is very happy with her size and shape. Six month follow up photos.