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Are stubborn fat deposits keeping you from achieving the body you desire? Unlock your body's potential and sculpt a slimmer silhouette with Dr. Fred's liposuction procedures. Begin your journey to a refined body to love, here.

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Liposuction, also called suction-assisted lipectomy or lipo, is a popular technique used to remove unwanted fat deposits. Dr. Fred Coville removes this undesirable subcutaneous fat from specific areas, sculpting your body to a more pleasing overall shape. Dr. Coville believes that liposuction is akin to sculpture; it is here where his artistic sensibilities truly come into play.

The unsightly distribution of body fat is usually due to an inherent tendency to deposit fat in one area of the body, most commonly the hips. Even if you maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly, you may still have problem areas where unwanted fat refuses to come off. For many people, liposuction is the ideal solution for fine-tuning their physique. Often, Dr. Coville combines the procedure with a tummy tuck to remove excess skin and repair damaged or separated abdominal muscles.

At Cornerstone Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine, we’ve helped countless patients in the South Jersey Shore region slim and contour their bodies. Common treatment areas include:

  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Bra line
  • Flanks (waistline)
  • Outer part of the thighs
  • Hips
  • Insides of the knees

Although liposuction can remove fat deposits which have persisted despite exercise and a healthy diet, this procedure is not a treatment for obesity or a weight loss program. Eating a healthy diet and following a regular exercise regimen are still the best solutions for looking your best. Nevertheless, liposuction can prove beneficial in removing those challenging areas of unattractive fat that refuse to respond to your best efforts.

We invite you to contact us at Cornerstone Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine in Atlantic County to arrange a consultation with Dr. Frederick A. Coville. Together, you and Dr. Coville will determine what can and should be done in your particular situation.



It’s best to be realistic in your expectations before deciding on liposuction. It can enhance your appearance and, therefore, your self-confidence, but it will not necessarily achieve your ideal dream shape or change the way other people treat you.

The most suitable candidates for liposuction are average-weight people with firm, elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in specific areas. They should also be physically healthy and psychologically stable. Age is not a significant consideration, but older patients with less elastic skin should not expect the same results as younger patients with firmer tissues.

There is a greater risk for individuals with medical concerns such as diabetes, significant heart or lung disease, poor circulation, or who recently had surgery near the area to be contoured. You should discuss your medical and surgical history with Dr. Coville to determine if you are a candidate for this procedure.

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Liposuction techniques have been refined considerably in the last 15 years. With these improvements, Dr. Coville’s methods have also evolved. Throughout his career, Dr. Coville has been fortunate to exchange ideas and best practices with surgeons from around the world, and he incorporates these influences into his current liposuction and body sculpting procedures.

One of the more advanced techniques Dr. Coville employs is called Power Assisted Liposuction, sometimes known as PAL. Power Assisted Liposuction allows Dr. Coville to remove more fat in less time, with less trauma to the body. The result is shorter operative time, greater patient safety, and ultimately a better result. These developments mean patients enjoy much less bruising, substantially faster recovery times, and more natural-looking results.

Dr. Coville inserts a hollow metal tube (or cannula) through a tiny incision near the treatment area and gently removes the fat through suction. The incision sites will be carefully chosen to ensure scarring is as inconspicuous as possible. Naturally, fluid is lost along with the fat. To prevent complications, we monitor our patients carefully and give intravenous fluids during and immediately after surgery.

Liposuction removes fat, leaving the small blood vessels and nerves intact. Your skin will retract, resulting in a more pleasing shape. There are some minor variations in the approach; some surgeons inject the area to be treated with solutions (wet or tumescent technique), while others do not. Dr. Coville prefers to use a tumescent technique to deliver more pleasing results in a safer manner for the patient. He will be happy to discuss his reasoning for his chosen methods with you during your consultation at our Linwood or Toms River, NJ office.

Suction is usually applied with a powerful vacuum machine, but it is perfectly adequate to use a simple syringe for small areas. In fact, this is the method Dr. Coville chooses when he harvests fat for transfer to other areas, such as the face or buttocks.

Liposuction can be performed under a local anesthetic if only a small amount of fat and a limited number of body sites are involved. To help you relax completely during the procedure, intravenous sedation may be added. For more extensive operations, regional anesthesia, such as the epidural block used in childbirth, can be a good choice. If the plan is to remove a large volume of fat, a general anesthetic may be preferable and safest.

The time the procedure takes depends on the treatment areas and how much fat Dr. Coville will remove. When you wake up, you will be wearing a firmly fitting garment like a girdle, plus small dressings over the wounds. The sutures absorb on their own; there is no need to have them removed.


  • In some cases, permanent sagging of the skin can occur when the amount of fat removed exceeds the capacity of the skin to contract.
  • Although we aim to make your results as even and symmetrical as possible, you should expect some difference between the two sides of your body. Normal asymmetries in our bodies do exist before the surgery. You and Dr. Coville will go over your pre-surgery pictures together so you both can be aware of any pre-existing asymmetry that may persist after your procedure.
  • Infection after surgery is extremely uncommon, but blood collections underneath the skin can develop in some patients. These may need to be drained. Infection is very rare, and we take all precautions to avoid this. Skin loss and other major complications are likewise very rare.
  • You can expect considerable bruising, which will be uncomfortable and, at times, painful. The larger the area treated, the greater it will be. Some people bruise more easily than others. The discoloration usually lasts about a month, but the lumpiness and swelling of deep bruising can take up to six months to disappear, particularly in the abdomen or ankles.
  • As swelling can take a long time to settle, you may not see the full benefit of the operation for up to six months. If you have had treatment for your legs, you may find your ankles are swollen for a few weeks. If your ankles themselves have been treated, they may stay swollen for a few months. Wearing a snug pressure garment after surgery will help reduce swelling.


Healing takes time and patience. Please read and follow these recommended notes while recovering from a liposuction procedure.

  • You will have some bruising over the area that has been treated. Sometimes this can be extensive and can last for three weeks or more.
  • The treated area will be swollen and may feel lumpy and very tender. Tissues take several months to settle completely, and you may not see the full benefit of your surgery for four to six months. Surface imperfections and skin dimpling (cellulite) may remain.
  • You are likely to need painkillers for several days after the operation. We will prescribe pain medication or antibiotics before your surgery, so you’ll have them ready after the procedure. There may also be numbness in the skin over the treated area, and you may experience the very occasional ‘stabbing-like’ discomfort while the area is healing (three to six months).
  • Healing takes time and patience. Dr. Coville will urge you to walk around as soon as possible to reduce swelling and help prevent blood clots. You should begin to feel better after a week or two. The stitches will dissolve on their own after a week to 10 days.
  • You should avoid strenuous activity for about a month. Although most bruising and swelling usually disappear within three weeks, some may remain for six months or more. Our office will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your progress and assess whether you will need additional procedures. If you have any unusual symptoms between visits or wish to ask any questions about what you can and cannot do, always check with us.
  • You will need to wear your support garment day and night for four to five weeks and during the day for another four weeks unless Dr. Coville specifies otherwise. This is something you will want to discuss with him during your consultation.
  • Some patients experience water retention or swelling. If your abdomen has been treated, this may occur in your genitals; if your legs have been treated, it can occur in your ankles. Ankle liposuction can result in swollen ankles for several months.
  • As Dr. Coville treats patients from all over the world, he has extensive experience with patients who need to travel after their New Jersey surgery. Air travel immediately afterward is not recommended because of increased swelling. This is due to the cabin pressure at high altitudes. Dr. Coville will strongly recommend waiting at least two weeks after an extensive liposuction surgery before flying. Please discuss this in detail with him prior to your operation.
  • You need to rest completely for at least 48 hours after the procedure. After that, gradually build up your activities over the next two weeks as you feel able, avoiding anything too strenuous.
  • Depending on your occupation, comfort level, and the size of the area treated, you may consider returning to work in one to two weeks.
  • Realistically, the scars will take 12 to 18 months to fade fully. Some can become lumpy and remain raised for this time.
  • Their final appearance varies from person to person. Dr. Coville may recommend some additional therapeutic measures for you if you are prone to poor scarring.

The fat cells removed during liposuction do not come back. Consequently, the shape Dr. Coville creates for you will remain essentially unchanged. However, the remaining fat cells can still enlarge with significant weight gain. If you gain weight after the surgery, it can give you a larger version of the form and contour that you had after liposuction.

Your body shape will be noticeably different quite soon after surgery, and the improvement will become even more apparent after four to six weeks when most of the swelling subsides. After about three months, any persistent mild swelling should disappear, and the final contour will be visible.

Liposuction is not an obesity treatment. Safety regulations limit the amount of fat (a maximum of three liters) removed from a localized area. There’s also a natural limitation when there’s no more fat to remove. Therefore, it may not be possible to slim down an area as much as you might like. Dr. Coville can carry out further treatments in the same location after six months.

In certain situations, inelastic skin may not shrink back. Dr. Coville has a great deal of experience in evaluating your skin beforehand, so you’ll understand any limitations your skin elasticity may present. In some cases, he might suggest a skin excision to remove the excess, done either during your liposuction or as a second procedure. This is most likely in the abdomen—after pregnancy or weight loss—the buttocks, or the neck. Dimples and wrinkles of the skin, sometimes called cellulite, usually will not be improved by liposuction.

If your expectations are realistic upfront, you will most likely be incredibly pleased with the results—most people are. You may find a wider variety of clothes are more comfortable, and you generally feel more at ease with your body. By eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, you can maintain and even improve your new shape. Be sure to ask Dr. Coville for helpful diet, nutrition, and exercise tips. This would also be a great time to discuss any other concerns you might have.

Written By: Dr. Frederick Coville
Frederick A. Coville, M.D., Cornerstone Plastic Surgery’s Owner and Medical Director


Frederick A. Coville, M.D., Cornerstone Plastic Surgery’s Owner and Medical Director, has been an Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon for over 25 years. He firmly believes each of us possesses an inner “Foundational Beauty.”

As a student of beauty all his life, he calls upon his naturally artistic eye and God-given talents as a surgeon to deliver the results you demand. Dr. Fred likes to say, “It’s my job to help you find Your Beautiful!”

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